Every day, buyer and chief of Musthaves, Rudy, travels from grower to grower to handpick new green and floral treasures to add to the Musthaves collection. Do you want to know more about our Musthaves? We interviewed Rudy to tell us all about it.

Where does the concept Musthaves stands for?
A selection of trendy flowers and plants that are essentials for our customers to have in their store for that period of time. It is a trick to have the most exclusive and attractive products in your store, without taking too much effort. You can easily find the products by filtering on 'Musthaves' in the webshop.
Every week a new selection, that are a lot of Musthaves!
That’s right! But my colleagues and I are driving around visiting different growers every day, so we come across many awesome items. It would be a shame not to share those with our customers. Every week they can find new treasures in our webshop, gems that they can add to their stores.

How do you define when something is a real Musthave?
It has to stand out from the crowd, something different than usual. Just that interesting characteristic or some unique features that you don’t see often. A Musthave is an item that makes me look twice and think wow so cool! It can be a new species that fits the current zeitgeist, or one we’ve known for a while but is due for a comeback. But also irreplaceable seasonal products, all-time favourites and ones with a new twist.
What makes the concept so special?
Our Hunters look for Musthaves themselves. All of them have been working in this industry for a long time, that’s why they just know when an item is Musthaves-worthy. Every week new products are added, so every time it’s a surprise what the collection will be. This is why the Musthaves are a ‘must-to-have’ for our customers.

Curious about the Musthaves of this moment? Use the ‘Musthaves’ filter in our webshop to see this week’s selection.