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Off to a colourful start

The first days of the new year can be pretty dismal, so that's when it's time to brighten up your home with some sunny colours. Just in the nick of time, primulas become widely available. We all know these cute little rascals with their cheerful flowers and sturdy, bright green leaves. No wonder they represent a new beginning.

Outside primulas flower best at temperatures from 12 to 15 °C. This plant prefers a moist but not overly wet soil. When faded flowers are removed, the plant will bloom, bloom and bloom again.

  • The Primula symbolises hope, growth and a new beginning.
  • Its name was derived from primus (meaning 'first') because primulas are one of the earliest spring-flowering plants.
  • As the flowers of some Primula species age, their colours become deeper and more intense. Combined with the newly opened, lighter flowers, this makes a delightful display.
  • Primula obconica used to be less popular because their leaves were covered in fine hairs containing primin, an allergen that could cause the skin to itch when the leaves were touched. Nowadays, these plants are free of primin.