Online Update
Did you know that... we have adapted our webshop to make shopping even more convenient? Read the latest tips & tricks here!
Page numbering at the top
In the webshop, we were already using page numbers at the bottom of the assortment, to flip through the various pages faster. We have now also added these to the top of the page, so you don't have to scroll all the way down. Very convenient for finding products even quicker!

Multiple pictures on the product detail page
With some plants and flowers, one product photo in the webshop simply isn't enough to give you a good idea of the item in question. That is why we have now started a pilot with our Finest products: showing several (close-up) pictures of the product, in addition to the current product photo. If this pilot turns out to be a success, we will also apply this functionality to other products/product groups. This will also be interesting for the bulbs in pot, for example, as the product is delivered without a flower and we will now be able to add a picture of said flower. It's also useful for shrubs that change through the seasons. This will give you a better idea of what the product will eventually look like, so you know what you are buying.
Scan products with your mobile or tablet
If you open our webshop on your mobile or tablet, you will now also be shown a barcode in the top right corner. By scanning the barcode on the products, you can quickly reorder product that have previously been delivered to you. This functionality was already included in our old Noviflora App, which is no longer available. By popular demand, we have now integrated this scanning tool into our current webshop, to make reordering easier.