Let's go Green Friday
A green statement against Black Friday. Rather than participating in the raging discounts and cheap deals, we are opting for a green approach! Black Friday leads to impulse buying and overconsumption, which has a massive impact on our planet. So, this year, we have launched a Green Friday campaign instead. Will you join us?
The world needs more forests, because there can be no life without trees. If we are going to combat climate change and increase biodiversity, we need to protect our existing forests, restore degraded forests and plant new ones. We want to contribute to these goals by donating trees to Trees For All with our Green Friday campaign. Trees For All invest in a green planet by planting forests all over the world. In order to help them do this, we will sponsor one tree to Trees For All for every trolley we sell from the Green Friday range. In the week after the promotion, we will announce how many trees we managed to donate together.

Especially for this promotion, we have put together a Green Friday range with sustainably grown products, with sustainable packaging or grown by sustainably certified growers. From 18 to 25 November, for every trolley sold in this range, a tree will be planted in the Green Friday Forest. You can recognise the products in the webshop by the Green Friday icon, so that you know exactly with which products you are contributing to nature.
If you want to make a con-tree-bution to a greener world, buy plants from the Green Friday range. Help us make the world a little greener together!
The promotion will run from 12.00 on 18 November until 12.00 on 25 November.