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Hip hippeastrum

Christmas tree, lights, a few reindeer and lots and lots of ornaments. There are a few things you simply must have around the holidays, and the hippeastrum is one of them.

But even when the holidays are over, the plant is worth keeping around. As cut flower or in a waxed bulb, or as a bulb in a pretty pot. Pick what suits your customers and help them get to know this special plant!

Amaryllis or hippeastrum?
The hippeastrum is often called an amaryllis, but it’s not really an amaryllis. Related to the daffodil, the plant grows from a visible bulb, with a bright stem that blooms into a star-shaped, stately and velvety flower. Because the plant doesn’t grow any leaves, it’s perfect as a cut flower. And did you know the hippeastrum symbolises pride? A beautiful addition to a bouquet to celebrate achievements. 

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Photo's: Flower Council of Holland

With or without bowtie
The fun part about a hippeastrum is that you can present it in so many different ways. The red and white variations are holiday favourites, but what about a bulb in a Christmas stocking, waxed bulbs with glitters, or a kokodama-like bulb covered in moss? As a cut flower, the hippeastrum comes in many different colours, from pink to orange and bright red to striped. And have you ever seen a hippeastrum wearing a bowtie?


You can find lots of creative variations in our webshop for every occasion.