Nature is the best designer
Sometimes you look at a plant and think: there’s no way nature came up with a design like this.
The beautiful velvet leaves of the Gynura Aurantiaca, the brightly coloured patterns of the Epipremnum Aureum, that are as unique as a human fingerprint, and let’s not forget the cheerful dots of the Begonia Maculata. With their mask-like leaves or graphic patterns, the Alocasia and Calathea look more like fancy collectors' items than plants. Start a plant museum in your own shop and put your favorite green works of art in the spotlight.
The leaf patterns of the Calathea, for instance, are endless; some with an even more dazzling leaf drawing than the other. The beauties have originated from the rainforest. Besides its beauty, the plant has a quiet intelligent character. Throughout the day their leaves are widely apart, therefore they all have a place to gain as much sunlight as possible, while during the night they crawl to find comfort in each other.
When you are looking for the perfect combination; a beautiful and easy-care plant, then choose the Aglaonema. The plant is recognized for its lucky charm, with every kind its own story. Leaves with dots, stripes and splashes indicate happiness, red symbolizes a house where it is never cold and marks of silver repel poverty.