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Out and about with Sybren in Germany

Every year, autumn is the busiest season for our purchaser Sybren. From August till October, he spends four days a week in Germany. He visits growers there to find the perfect plants for our customers. Find out what Sybren does during his work days in this blog.

Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Sybren stays in Germany, in the Rhine-Meuse region. This region is home to many growers who mainly produce heather plants in the autumn, such as Calluna vulgaris 'Garden Girls' and 'Beauty Ladies', as well as Erica gracilis. However, autumn products such as Sedum, Calocephalus and Hebe are also widely grown here. "Every day, I aim to visit three to six growers. I try to diversify, but sometimes I end up visiting the same grower several times. Plants that don’t have the right colour today, may be good in a few days. And because I am close to the source, I have the first choice when the plants are at their best."

Sybren closely follows the latest cultivation methods and is one of the first to spot novelties on the market. When it comes to sustainability, they are also making great strides in Germany and Sybren sees this reflected at some growers. For instance, there are pots made from sunflower seeds. "Because these pots are made of a biodegradable material, the plants can be planted with pot and all. That is super convenient because it saves an extra step for the consumer. It also produces no waste and the pot provides nutrients to the soil, reducing the need for additional fertilisation."

When you ask Sybren what he loves about his work in Germany, his answer is clear: "I love being outdoors and being surrounded by my favourite plants. I can also provide my colleagues with information about products they cannot get in the Netherlands, since you always see more in person than on a photo. By hunting for plants, I also indirectly have a sales role, and when I see that many customers buy my ‘hunted’ products, I know that I acted at the right time. Furthermore, I appreciate the direct contact with the growers to build close relationships."