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Creative Reuse

We are strong advocates for recycling, and in order to treat our environment as sustainably as possible, reuse is becoming increasingly important. Not only is it sensible to use materials that would otherwise be thrown away, but it also encourages creativity and can result in surprising creations.

A great example of this is this framed bouquet, made by florist Tiffany van Lenten. For the frame of this floral arrangement, she used an old cardboard flower box, cutting it into the desired shape, in this case, round. She then covered the cardboard frame with pussy willows that she had saved from the previous season. ‘I love the colour of the catkins, and their soft texture gives me a warm feeling, perfect for the autumn season. I thought it was a waste to throw away these beautiful branches, so I decided to save them to use in this bouquet later. The greyish hue of the catkins pairs wonderfully with warm pink tones, as you can see in this framed bouquet.’ 

We’re curious: how do you give your ‘waste’ a second life? 

Tell us about it!